May 2024 ENews: This Gospel

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 28:19

The great doctrines of the gospel, that Jesus is the Christ, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, that those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved, and all that believe in God must be careful to maintain good works out of a grateful heart. How often we need to remind ourselves of these truths. It is in remembering that we are not only spurred on to the good deed of sharing the gospel, but comforted, encouraged and given peace when we need it most. 

As we reflect on these truths at mPower, the faithfulness of God shines like a lighthouse in a storm. Our mission is to take this gospel to the very ends of the earth. That’s what we do. We go to the places most don’t go. We train indigenous believers in dentistry, vision, sewing and many other areas empowering them to take these skills and serve their own people, always with the intent of sharing the gospel message.

Already this year mPower has had the privilege of teaching indigenous believers in Papua New Guinea, India and Uganda. These trips always remind us of these truths we hold dear. This gospel we proclaim, it’s a game changer, worthy of risking it all. Completely and totally worthy of risking it all.  

If you’ve ever supported mPower financially, thank you. God used you to provide for those who have not yet heard. We use this money to go to the hard places. That’s what we do. Thank you for partnering with us.

Trip Schedule 2024

  • June- Louisville, KY: Sewing Refresher for Instructors
  • June 22-30- Uganda: Extraction
  • August 2-11- South Asia: Dental Hygiene, Sewing I and II, Vision
  • October 12-20- Thailand: Extraction, Dental Hygiene, Vision
  • October 4-13- Liberia: Extraction
  • November 14-26- Nepal: Extraction, Dental Hygiene, Vision

Trip Schedule 2025

  • January- Ghana: Extraction, Sewing, Dental Hygiene
  • March 1-9- Mumbai: Extraction, Dental Hygiene, Vision
  • May 22-June 2- Papua New Guinea: Partial Dentures II