August 2023 ENews: Go!

Go and make disciples of all nations, Matthew 28:19

Have you noticed that mPower Approach goes about short-term missions in a different way than most ministries? Instead of the traditional approach to missions of going and doing, we aim to go and empower. We approach missions with a longer-term goal and vision that can only be met through sustainable practices.

For us, missions is not about adventure or stamps on a passport or even simply meeting people’s needs. Rather, our trips are about getting the gospel to the ends of the earth. We believe that the most effective way to do this is to empower the indigenous believer. Who else is better suited to share the truth of Christ with their own people than the men and women who already speak the same language and know the culture?

Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 that we have been entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation. As Christians, we are ambassadors of Christ. It is our calling to ensure that the gospel is being preached around the world, so that all may hear the good news and be reconciled to God.

That is why our approach is different. During our “dental mission trips” it is often easy to lose focus of why we are there. Hopefully, our focus is not on dentistry. Our dentists are not there to perform dental procedures, and our team is not therefor the sake of running a dental clinic.

Rather, our teams go with a unique purpose:

  • building up the local church
  • equipping the individual believer
  • opening new doors for the gospel
  • promoting the ministry of reconciliation

The Moravian missionaries of the 1700’s set a vivid example for us with their battle cry as they headed to the mission field, “May the Lamb who was slain receive the reward of His sufferings!” We pray that this will always be our goal.

Will you join us in this task? You do not have to be a dentist or doctor or nurse to be part of a team. There is a variety of roles you can fill on a trip. You could work at the sterilization table, help with patient intake, pray with the patients, count pills, or teach sewing skills. You can also partner with us through prayer or financial contributions. All are welcome as we are all called to be Christ’s ambassadors.

Trip Schedule

  • September 22-October 1: SOUTH ASIA – extraction
  • November 1-12: NEPAL- extraction, dental hygiene


  • January 6 – 13: INDIA – sewing, extraction
  • February 2 – 11: UGANDA – extraction
  • MARCH 7 – 18: PNG – partial dentures