Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 28:19
Each year seems to be more evil than the previous one. Could 2023 be the year the Lord comes to get us? Should we not live as though it will be? If we were to do that, what would it even look like? What would we like for Jesus to “catch” us doing? What if when He came He found us making disciples?
John Piper writes, “when we make disciples, we bid people to come and die to their old, destructive ways and to live for Jesus, who loved them and gave himself for them”.
Is there a better way to invest in Godʼs glory than to make disciples?

The weight of this command from Christ should not be burdensome, instead it should be good news we canʼt wait to share! As though we were inviting others to a celebration like a wedding ceremony. In fact we are inviting them to do just that. However, not just attend this great celebration, to actually be the bride! Christ said “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” and the very next words out of His mouth are “go and make disciples”.
Ruminate on that for awhile. Ask God for a right perspective.
Not one of us is exempt from this command. Are you being obedient?
What if we make a commitment in 2023 to make more disciples than we did in 2022?
For some of us that may mean making one, for others it could mean hundreds.
The point is… letʼs be obedient and make disciples. Certainly letʼs begin in our homes but letʼs not stop there. Our families, friends and neighbors desperately need to know the Truth, but letʼs not stop there either. Come on an mPower trip and make disciples of all nations.
If you are reading this newsletter consider yourself invited to come with us on one of the trips listed below. You donʼt have to be in the medical or dental profession. You donʼt have to have any particular skill set. You just have to have a desire to be obedient.
Trip Schedule
May 5 -14: LIBERIA – extraction
June 23- July 2: WEST AFRICA – extraction, vision, dental hygiene
July: PNG- partial dentures
September 1-10: UGANDA- extraction
November 3-12: NEPAL- extraction, dental hygiene
If you’re interested in joining us on a trip or would like to be subscribed to our email list, let us know – send us an email at .