June 2023 ENews: Are You Willing?

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me Psalm 51:12

Peter carrying his dental chair to clinic

“Are you willing to be made willing?” William Borden, considered by some the most influential missionary of the early 20th century, who never made it to the mission field, regularly asked this question of others who had no interest in missions.

He was born in 1887 to a wealthy Chicago family. At the age of 16, his parents gifted him with a trip around the world before he began college at Yale. It was during that time God began to cultivate a desire in his heart to be a missionary. At the age of 25, he set out to take the gospel to an unreached Muslim people group in China. Stopping in Egypt to study Arabic, he contracted meningitis and died three months later.

His contemporaries could not understand why a man of great wealth would give it all away to live a life of poverty in a foreign land. His Bible and his epitaph made it clear.

The words, “No reserves. No regrets. No retreats.” were written in the flyleaf of his Bible. These words would outlive him and speak forever of his zeal, commitment and surrender. On his tombstone in Cairo, Egypt, are these simple words: “Apart from Christ, there is no explanation for such a life.”

“Are you willing to be made willing?” King David asked God to give him a heart that was willing. Let’s do the same. Over 100 years after William Borden’s death, there are still over 6500 people groups across the globe who have never heard the gospel. What we do here matters. Join us.

Trip Schedule

  • August 10 – 20: PNG – extraction
  • September 22-October 1: SOUTH ASIA – extraction
  • November 1-12: NEPAL- extraction, dental hygiene


  • January 6 – 13: INDIA – sewing, extraction
  • February 2 – 11: UGANDA – extraction
  • MARCH 7 – 18: PNG – partial dentures